کتاب The practice of literaty terminology

ناشر: سازمان مطالعه و تدوین کتب علوم انسانی دانشگاهها (سمت)
تاریخ نشر: فروردین 1403
تعداد صفحه: 272
شابک: 978-600-02-0066-4
قطع کتاب: وزیری
نوع جلد: شومیز
وزن: 393 گرم
رتبه فروش: #101659 (مشاهده پرفروش ترین ها)
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در بخشی از کتاب The practice of literaty terminology می خوانیم
The Language of Literature

What, we may begin by asking, is literature, and how can we best define it? The ans answer is not at all self-evident, for the term can be used in several different senses. It can mean anything written in verse or in prose. It can mean only those works which have a certain distinction. Or it can refer to mere verbiage: "all the rest is literature". For our purposes, it may be best to start by defining it as broad and neutral a way as possible, simply as a verbal art; that is, literature belongs traditionally to the arts, as opposed to the sciences or to practical knowledge, and its medium is the word, as opposed to the visual signs of painting and sculpture or the tones of music.

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